Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ahhh, First Post!

Well, hi!  One month after my 28th birthday, I figured I'd try something new. Thanks for being here; I think I’ll break the ice with a story.

One Saturday, a few years ago, my boyfriend (now fiance!) and I were running errands. Our route took us past a Dunkin’ Donuts in an especially high-traffic area of a New York City suburb. An unfortunate Dunkin’ employee was standing in the median wearing a cup-of-coffee suit and waving to passing cars.

I’m still kicking myself for not having a camera with me, but picture this guy as hot coffee instead of iced.

Got the image?

Pass #1: the cup was all perky. Dancing around a little, waving to everyone, I think it even jumped and clicked its heels once. Typical mascot-like behavior.

Pass #2: an hour later, the cup was starting to droop. Sitting on the curb, “head” in hands, giving a half-hearted wave every few cars. I think it’s bored.

Pass #3: a few hours after the 1st, the cup is lying flat out on its back in the median. A car honks and the cup, still lying down, shakes one of its fists. Another honk and a yell out the window, the cup struggles to its feet, takes an almost super-hero stance, and flips the car a very impressive bird.

True story!  And this keeps me a loyal Dunkin’ customer.